Zotto – A Supernatural Immersive Adventure

The Japanese Arts Network (JA-NE) partnered with Stories of SolidarityWestern Sound Alliance, Filmmaker Bruce Tetsuya, Producers Courtney Ozaki and Leah Podzimek, Community Organizer Joie Ha, and local Denver music, dance, and visual artists to bring you this chilling, or ‘zotto’ (in Japanese), supernatural immersive and multi-sensorial journey.

I worked as a writer, producer and sound editor on the project.

Kintsugi: The Art of Healing

As part of a two month slate of virtual programming created by the Japanese Arts Network in partnership with McNichols Civic Center and Denver Arts and Venues, I created a binaural video titled, “A Mindful Morning” featuring opera singer and actor Margaret Ozaki-Graves.

Personal Geographies

In partnership with artist Becky Wareing-Steele, I launched a collaborative art project translating individuals’ memories of spaces they’ve occupied in the past into auditory and visual installations in the present. We exhibited this work at TEDx Mile High: Imagine, Denver Art Museum’s Untitled series and at SoundScene 2020.

Emily Griffith Technical College

During my time at Emily Griffith Technical College, I was the Creative Director for all of our video content. Below is an example of some of the videos we created during my time at the college. I’ve served as videographer, editor and director on various videos below.

Telem Center for the African Child Oral History Workshop

As a teaching assistant for the oral history workshop, I taught oral history techniques and methodologies. I also created a video highlighting the project and helped facilitate a neighborhood listening workshop.

Telem Center for the African Child Oral History Workshop from Shannon Geis on Vimeo.

Salt Institute for Documentary Studies

During my time as a student at the Salt Institute, I created a variety of multimedia projects highlighting stories from across Maine.

Crash Course from Shannon Geis on Vimeo.

Racing Against Time from Shannon Geis on Vimeo.

Mechanical Fixation from Shannon Geis on Vimeo.